SE G900, Google and Thunderbird
Thunderbird only shows up to four e-mail addresses per contact (using gContactsSync), but no worries, do you have more in Gmail, they will be left untouched. Hence you loose the oppotunity to make backups from TB, that it can not read gCS snailmail format, you have to make your backups by some other means.
I had preferred an on-line solution that did the job, I just have not found one that works better. Every other solution (I have tried), had either problems with parsing the post-address, or the types of phonenumbers and e-mails - as in "work" or "home" - giving shitlaods of dublicates.
Best solution I have found to handle several calendars is GooSync. I had preferred GCals calendars in separate folders / directories on the phone. Instead they are given a 'tag', i.e. an event may start with "[mummy] And so the text itself." A little complicated, but it works. Repeated events, and events which span over several days, you may need to experiment with these, how they work best for you.steen bondo
Boring technical stuff, and thoughts, you just can not be bothered to read anyway.
Calendar and Contacts are ultimately the two second most important funktions, in my opinion, to have in a cellphone. Being somewhat into databases, the exact same data should be available from all interfaces. As is, it does not matter whether I alter data from my phone, Thunderbird or Gmail - thay are equal after next synchronizing.
MyPhoneExplorer has got a perfect export/import feature of CSV files, which makes it a walk in the park editing multiple contacts, if needed be. You just import this CSV file into OpenOffice, FTE, TSE or any editor you may prefer. One thing to keep in mind though when importing to i.e OpenOffice, is that all columns need to be formatet as 'text' - this is crucial.
MyPhoneExplorer are off course also capeable to send/fetch data into Windows Contact - so can SEs PC-Suite.
If I ran Thunderbird on the same PC, MPE could also synchronize with TB. My wife does also synchronize har calendar with GooSync.
Mailaddresses is a general problem, coursed by Gmail having all address-data in one multiline field, whereas most others (incl SE) has separate fields for each info, such as: street, zip, city, country, etc. This conversion is handled more or less accute by various interpreters.
I have tried a lot of solutions, I think: ZYB, Plaxo, World Schedule, Sunbird, several ICAL/WebDav solutions, etc etc... At the moment I absolutely do prefer the solutions mentioned above. They work - for me.
I do believe G900 is best buy, unless you want a SmartPhone with a slide keyboard, which will make the phone larger and heavier. Nokia folk gets scared when they get a UIQ3 phone in their hands (ask my wife...), becourse there are numerous ways to do the same task, get to the same menu, etc. A simple task like input can be done on the keypad, using T9/or not, and/or with next word suggestion, handwriting, QWERTY on the screen, etc, etc - makes most mainstream (read: Nokia) users run away. On top of this you are the one in charge to decide how it should behave: as a musicbox, as an "online all the time" thing, as your work partner, as your.....
So, what do I use this wonder for..?? If not at home: mail and Internet, do not send many SMSs. But other than that (not counting contacts, calendar and phone) radio, MP3 with bluetooth sound and phone capabilities, maps (Gmaps and more), along with extern GPS (Amaze, MobiRunner and others), converter, calculator, muTide_NF, fast notes, dictafon, etc, etc.... On vacation I might use its wordprocessor for writing a dairy. It holds an officepackage, that also handles MS-Office documents rather good.
Tænk, da iPhone kom frem, var den uden klippebord. Apple fik det efterfølgende nærmest til at lyde som om det var deres opfindelse, i en mobil, da de kom med en upgrade der inkluderede det - Halloooo.! Min første smartphone, en SE R380, havde et fortrinligt klippebord, trykfølsom skærm og hele pivemøget.
Jamen er der slet ikke noget dårligt at sige om den..?? Joda - jeg har indtrykket af det er sværere at finde lige netop den applikation du skal bruge til Symbian, end til en Nokia (MS-Windows a'like problematik)
Kameraet er heller ikke til meget syntes jeg. Som ex fototosse kommer det nu ikke bag på mig, syntes dog jeg har set andre (også SE) mobiler med bedre kamera.
Vil du have en telefon blot til at ringe med, så find en anden..!!